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NAND Flasher 360 for Windows 12: How to Dump or Write Your Xbox 360 NAND


Navigate to NandPro's installation directory by using common commands(cd, dir, and the TAB key for auto-completion). Then type nandpro.exelpt: -r16 nand1.bin and press enter. If everything's fine, it shouldoutputthis:

better than simply using md5 as it tells you which blocks aremismatched, which allows you to reread only those that are in errorrather than the entire chip (speeding up the process) one use of this iswhen verifying a write by reading back the nand and comparing it againstthe original you wrote, if you get a bad block just reread thatindividual block, patch it into the full read and compare again (filesare reread each time you click compare, no need to reselect the samefiles in the gui)

nand flasher 360 for windows 12

assumes that read errors don't occur in same place each time, which istrue for some read errors (e.g. lpt timing problems), if there is a goodreason why you can't read something then this may not be true this toolcannot recreate a nand out of nothing, if you give it 3 files full ofzeros you'll get a recreated nand full of zeros, always look at a dumpto make sure it looks correct (e.g. has a microsoft copyright at thetop, once you've reconstructed a nand open it in 360 flash tool and makesure it reads ok there) the tool works by comparing blocks between the 3files, any block found matching in 2 (or 3) of the files will beconsidered good, you will be warned if not all blocks can be recovered,in which case you'll need to get more reads or look for a good reasonwhy your reads are so bad

Marcan has made a NOR flasher / address sniffer for his PS3 slim by re-purposing a FPGA board (Xilinx Spartan3E XC3S500E) made for Wii hacking. Noraliser is a git repo that contains the HDL (verilog) and associated host computer tools for flashing/sniffing. There are 50 signals to solder.

Work has been underway to brink a low cost AVR (Atmel 90USB1286) based NOR flasher that is capable of reading and writing on all consoles by defyboy. This was opensourced and further enhanced, now known as NORway for Teensy++ 2.0 boards.

Other people haven't been sitting idle either: uf6667 and bmx have developed Progskeet 1.0 / 1.1, based on an Actel A3P125 FPGA for NAND and NOR based consoles (not only PS3, but also useable for Wii and Xbox360). Later followed up by Progskeet 1.2, which was anounced to get an open API.Although highly hyped/marketed as universal flasher, it is not the recommended end user choice: long history of issues, long time between fixes, no clear support path etc.

The libusb-win32 Kernel Driver needed for the the flasher to get access to the USB port was not installed. Make sure you unpacked the drivers_xxxxxx file and installed the Progskeet driver (VendorID:1988 / ProductID:0001 in case you need it).

If problems with installing the driver, use manual mode from Device Manager and select the folder with ProgSkeet.inf ("ProgSkeet Install Disk") : -US/windows-vista/Update-a-driver-for-hardware-that-isnt-working-properly 2ff7e9595c

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