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I Can 039;t Live In My House Any Longer


Poverty, and particularly deep poverty, is a strong predictor of homelessness. Black and Latinx groups are overrepresented in poverty relative to their representation in the overall population, and are most likely to live in deep poverty, with rates of 10.8% and 7.6% percent, respectively. [1]

I can 039;t live in my house any longer

The effects are still with us today: African Americans still live disproportionately in concentrated poverty[2] or in neighborhoods where they are regularly exposed to environmental toxins, and have limited access to quality care, services, nutritious food and economic opportunities. People that become homeless are likely to have lived in these types of neighborhoods.

The lack of health insurance for people with chronic medical conditions and/or untreated serious mental illness can place them at risk of becoming homeless or being precariously housed. For example, people with mental health disabilities are vastly overrepresented in the population of people who experience homelessness. Of the more than 550,000 people in America who experienced homelessness on a given night in 2017, 1 in 5 had a behavioral health issue. While the rate of serious mental illness may not vary by race, studies show African Americans have more difficulty accessing treatment.

Researchers have different ways of categorizing single-parent households. In this report, single-parent households have a sole adult living with at least one biological, step or foster child under age 18. Some other organizations, including the U.S Census Bureau, also include households that have grandparents, other relatives or cohabiting partners present.

In early adulthood, Americans continue to live with their parents at relatively high rates. Adult child households account for 20% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34. (Adult child households are defined as at least one parent living with one son or daughter 18 or older and no minor children or other family members.) Young adults in the U.S. are similar to their Canadian counterparts in this regard, and North America has a higher share of young adults who live in this arrangement than any other region.

Americans also differ from others around in the world in their living arrangements after age 60. Older adults in the U.S. are more likely than those around the world to age alone: More than a quarter of Americans ages 60 and older live alone (27%), compared with a global average of 16%. There are only 14 countries with higher shares of older adults living alone, and all are in Europe. They include Lithuania (41%), Denmark (39%) and Hungary (37%).

The most common arrangement for older U.S. adults, however, is to live as a couple without any other children or relatives. Almost half of U.S. adults ages 60 and older live in such households (46%), compared with a global average of 31%. Conversely, older Americans are much less likely to live with a wider circle of relatives. Just 6% of older U.S. adults live in extended-family households, compared with 38% of adults ages 60 and older globally.

Living in smaller households after age 60 is often tied to national rates of economic prosperity and life expectancy. Older adults are more likely to live alone or as couples in countries where an average person can expect to live more than 70 years. In countries where lives are shorter, adults 60 and older tend to live with other family members instead. Life expectancy is often linked to other markers of prosperity within a country, so older adults who can expect to live into their 80s also tend to live in countries where living alone is more affordable.

Women ages 35 to 59 in the U.S., for example, are more likely than men in the same age group to live as single parents (9% vs. 2%), a pattern mirrored in every region and religious group around the world.

More than half of U.S. men ages 60 and older (55%) live with a partner and no one else, while roughly four-in-ten women (39%) do. And almost a third of women ages 60 and older live alone (32%), while this is true of one-in-five men in the same age group (20%).

Then there is the gut microbiome, where thousands of native bacteria live in partnership with us. They survive a hostile environment of darkness, high acidity and low oxygen, in what is a tumultuous river flushing through the stomach and intestines.

Our gut bacteria start digesting the intestines, and the surrounding tissues, from the inside out. Eventually, they invade the capillaries and lymph nodes, spreading to the liver, spleen, heart and brain as they feed on the chemical cocktail that leaks out of damaged cells.

When C. diff germs are outside the body, they become spores. These spores are an inactive form of the germ and have a protective coating allowing them to live for months or sometimes years on surfaces and in the soil.

That's what Nick Vivion, 39, did in February. The crypto/blockchain PR director hoped to buy the $350,000 house in Palm Springs, California, that he'd been renting for the past three years. But the landlord wanted $100,000 more for it than he had the year before, eventually listing it for $600,000.

"It was such an enormous jump, and it just started to seem impractical in a lot of ways to buy a house in a lot of places," Vivion told Insider. "That madness made me realize that rents were also going to spike: boomers downsizing, renters returning, and professionals working remote."

He called the RV his "condo on wheels" because it's 420 square feet and has a living room that doubles as an office, a kitchen and dining area, and a bedroom. "It feels like a house, just a small apartment," he said. "It's actually bigger than my first apartment in New York."

Khanna told Insider that this type of small home had become bigger than ever during the pandemic, enabling owners to live a more nomadic lifestyle and presenting a more affordable solution to aspiring homeowners. The youth, he said, are leading the way.

That was the case for Vivion, who said he believes that being nomadic and living in an RV is one of the only ways to be middle class in America today. "It's the last place you can live that's relatively affordable and where you get decent amenities for your money," he said.

He added that RV life could also be lonely and that he craved a recharge in a city sometimes. "You're kind of cutting out a lot of what people want," he said. "They want to live in a city, with the culture, the kinetic energy, the feeling of people and diversity and potential. But now we have careers everywhere, so it's also like that big push to be in a city is gone."

Hypothermia is what happens when your body temperature gets very low. For an older person, a body temperature of 95F or lower can cause many health problems, such as a heart attack, kidney problems, liver damage, or worse.

Being outside in the cold, or even being in a very cold house, can lead to hypothermia. Try to stay away from cold places, and pay attention to how cold it is where you are. You can take steps to lower your chance of getting hypothermia.

Luckily, my son Tyler came by to check on me. He saw that I was only wearing a light shirt and that my house was cold. Ty said I was speaking slowly, shivering, and having trouble walking. He wrapped me in a blanket and called 9-1-1.

Living in a cold house, apartment, or other building can cause hypothermia. In fact, hypothermia can happen to someone in a nursing home or group facility if the rooms are not kept warm enough. If someone you know is in a group facility, pay attention to the inside temperature and to whether that person is dressed warmly enough.

People who are sick may have special problems keeping warm. Do not let it get too cold inside and dress warmly. Even if you keep your temperature between 60F and 65F, your home or apartment may not be warm enough to keep you safe. This is a special problem if you live alone because there is no one else to feel the chilliness of the house or notice if you are having symptoms of hypothermia.

Sometimes it is hard to tell if a person has hypothermia. Look for clues. Is the house very cold? Is the person not dressed for cold weather? Is the person speaking slower than normal and having trouble keeping his or her balance?

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Unfortunately, the popular group will no longer live together. 2ff7e9595c

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